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Our Staff


We would love to meet you! Please feel free to email us with any questions or comments. 

Matt Holleran
Senior Pastor

Matt and his family first joined us at Crittenden Baptist Church in 2007 as our youth pastor. In 2011, he was called to another church in the NKY area for a short time. In 2015, Matt returned to Crittenden Baptist as the Student and Family Pastor until Fall 2021 when he became our Senior Pastor.​

Matt married his wife Darla right here at CBC in 1999. They are both NKY natives and graduated from Simon Kenton and Walton-Verona respectively. They have two children, Garrett and Karly. ​
Matt received his Master of Divinity from Southern Baptist Seminary.

Larry Reese


Interim Youth and Family Pastor
Tammy Hornsby

Our Deacon Body

Our Sunday Morning Leaders

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